Video Marketing Strategies To Try Today

5 Video Marketing Strategies To Try Today

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Are you looking for video marketing strategies or how to make videos for business to promote your products and services? Integrating video content into digital channels, including social media and emails, can pay off big for companies. 

Not only are your target audiences more engaging with videos, but these videos also drive increased revenues. Video marketing is a low-barrier program because all you need is a smartphone to shoot high-quality videos. 

However, top-quality video-making equipment can polish your message and make it look more professional. How to make videos for business? If you want to create a video marketing campaign to drive awareness, engagement, and profitability, you need to establish a well-thought-out plan that integrates with your business interest and company goals. Read on! 

  • Map the Customer Journey

Map the customer journey is an integral part of all video marketing strategies. It helps you understand the stages of your company’s customer relationships. It focuses on research, consideration, purchasing, post purchasing, and customer loyalty. 

Sterling and Pope’s Marketing team recommends identifying touchpoints where customers interact with your company, brand, products, or services. Likewise, it is crucial to uncover obstacles and prevent them from hindering the customers’ journey. 

In addition, look for opportunities where messaging sources, such as email, website, social media, and video, can move your customers down the path to purchase your products or services. See where videos can tell stories, answer questions, or create excitement. 

Find gaps in messaging that a behind-the-scenes video or well-timed demonstration could fill better than email messages or web copies. So, mapping your customer journey and aligning it with your video marketing is essential. 

  • Set Specific Goals for Videos 

You don’t need to spend months in meetings and scribbling on whiteboards. However, it is crucial to hash out thoughts on your video marketing campaign and things you want to achieve through it. Ensure your marketing team is on board. 

When creating goals for videos, make sure they are customer-oriented and client-centric. Remember, your marketing videos are not about letting your customers take away from your videos and how do your videos help them. 

Likewise, decide what you want your target audience and customers to do with your videos. For example, think about whether your videos should implement calls to action or remain only informative. 

Setting goals for each of your videos will shape the action via the content. So, it is one of the best video marketing strategies recommended by Sterling And Pope Marketing’s professional team. 

  • Create a Video Promotion Rollout Plan

Videos can drive accurate results when you see them across communication channels, including email messaging, social media, mobile apps, and even offline sources, such as in-store displays and training programs. 

Optimize all channels or platforms where you will display your videos, especially third-party platforms like YouTube. It is an excellent way to house your videos on your channel. Promote your videos on Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, YouTube channels, and Snapchat to achieve your marketing goals. 

  • Audit Your Video Content

Audit your video content to improve your marketing strategy. Look around and see what forms have performed well? Is it a product demo, training video, or animated slideshows? Find out what you can do to improve or expand on your video marketing?

Do you find any gaps in your video content? Review digital and paper sources for content so that you can repurpose them for videos. For instance, these include customer-service training scripts, troubleshooting videos, purchasing guides, and product demonstrations. 

  • Choose Your Hosting Platforms

How to make videos for business? Making videos for your business require you to invest in the right equipment, maintain proper lighting, use powerful titles, outline critical points about your business or products, and focus on attracting the viewers’ attention. 

Likewise, hosting your videos will affect your marketing strategy and goals. In addition to your business website, host your videos on third-party platforms for more exposure and sharing. YouTube is the most popular platform among hosting platforms. 

We recommend it because it is more than suitable for a video library and long-term business videos. You must also take benefit from short-form Instagram videos and their Facebook integration. 

Other video hosting platforms include Vine, Periscope, and Snapchat, which cater to niche audiences and real-time captures in videos bursts. Moreover, host high-quality videos on your business website to attract more customers. 

Final Words 

These five strategies will streamline your video marketing campaigns, leading to greater customer engagement, generating more leads, and yield higher investment returns. If you want to optimize your video marketing campaign, we can help you achieve your goals. Contact Sterling and Pope for advanced video marketing strategies that align with your business goals.