How to Run a Google PPC Campaign

How to run a Google PPC campaign? Google ad campaign allows businesses to place their ads onto Google SERPs within an hour of opening their accounts. Experts at Sterling & Pope Marketing believe that it is a quick way to streamline your products and services. Although many companies think that running a Google PPC campaign is easy, it is not if you don’t have enough knowledge or expertise. Therefore, it is crucial to hire a professional marketing company with Google PPC campaign experts. In today’s article, we will tell you how to run a Google PPC campaign. Read on!

How to Run a Google PPC Campaign?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising offers a wide range of benefits to businesses and advertisers. It has paled other forms of digital advertising, such as CPM, classified ads, banners, etc. Google PPC campaign is quite different from other forms of advertising because different people won’t see you thousands of times.

It is all about clicking on your advert, and when someone clicks on your advert, you will pay money. Before we tell you how to run a Google PPC campaign, Sterling & Pope Marketing has outlined a few benefits. Let’s talk about them.


Running a Google ad campaign through AdWords is flexible. If you have a new piece of content, you can have an ad go up today with organic SEO. However, you have to wait for some time before Google lists you on the first page of SERPs.

Location Control

You can control the locations, including countries, cities, and postcodes. You can also choose what time of day your ads will appear in relation to your selected websites and keywords. Sterling & Pope’s advertising experts say that this can streamline your organic search engine optimization strategy.

Multiple Formats

You can advertise on websites in different formats with pay-per-click, especially on the Google content network. Not only is a Google ad campaign through AdWords faster and cheaper, but it is also reliable, preventing you from going to each website individually.

Long-tail Keywords

One of the most significant benefits of running a Google ad campaign is targeting long-tail keywords. For instance, a piano is a short-tail keyword, learn piano is a mid-tail keyword, and learn piano online is a long-tail search term. Using Google AdWords, you can see that the word learn and online refine your search query, meaning you can deliver a high-quality and highly targeted ad copy.

Five Stages of Running a Google Ad Campaign

The primary advantage of Google PC ad campaigns is that the platform and other ad networks reward the highest bidders for the ad space. It means the ads are most popular with users. Here are the five stages you need to know about. That way, you will learn how to run a Google PPC campaign. Continue reading!

Stage 1: Research

According to Sterling & Pope Marketing, you need to research your market and find what your competitors are doing. For instance, if you want to target keywords like “learn piano online, you need to do your research and ask companies about the rights. Otherwise, Google will take down the ads immediately.

Stage 2: Keywords Research

The next essential stage or step is keyword research. For instance, carry out your keyword research find out which songs are being searched by people who want to learn to play piano online. Likewise, focus on finding the cost of bidding for PPC adverts on relevant keywords or searches. Go back to the record companies and pay for the rights to their songs you know will be affordable to bid on.

Stage 3: Build your Google ad Campaign

Once you have completed the keyword research, build AdWords campaigns. Put groups of related keywords into ad groups. Give each keyword an opening bid and write copy for adverts for each ad group. Create and test multiple ads for each ad group. Moreover, build your landing pages because it is the first page users see after they click on your AdWords ads.

Stage 4: Track, Measure, and Report

Tracking, measuring, and reporting are essential processes you need to perform to run a successful Google ad campaign. Therefore, measure, track and report the number of impressions, the click-through rate, and response rates. When you monitor these things for your different keywords, you can streamline your ad groups and ads.

Stage 5: Google Ad Campaign Optimization

According to Sterling & Pope Marketing, you need to constantly monitor data, keywords, landing pages, and ads. The purpose is to refine them according to your target audience’s requirements. Not only can you get the most out of your campaigns, but you can also increase returns on investments (ROIs). How to run a Google PPC campaign? Contact Sterling & Pope Marketing today!