How to Get More Leads From Your Website – Call to Actions

How to get more leads from your website? Call to action (CTAs) are a crucial driver of generating more leads from your website. CTAs connect two critical pieces in the process: incoming traffic and conversion of new visits into leads.

If you want to optimize your marketing efforts for increased conversions, Sterling and Pope recommend creating a compelling call to action. In today’s article, we will answer the question: how to get more leads from your website using the call to actions. Read on!

How to Get More Leads From Your Website?

According to Sterling and Pope, a call to action (CTA) is an image or text that encourages visitors to take action, such as viewing a webinar, subscribing to a newsletter, or requesting a product demo. Call to action should direct visitors to the landing page.

That way, you can collect visitors’ information and provide a valuable marketing offer. In that sense, an effective call to actions results in more leads from your website. You can use these insights to optimize your lead generation strategies. You can focus on:

  • Create call to actions for well-performing offers
  • Create call to actions for high-quality offer
  • Create call to actions based on visitors’ behavior
  • Create call to actions for upcoming campaigns

Where to Place Call to Actions on your Website?

Sterling and Pope’s Marketing team recommends optimizing call-to-actions placement. The purpose is to leverage the power of CTAs. However, most businesses and marketers ask: where do I get started? There are various pages out there. How do I decide which CTA belongs where? These are essential questions asked by companies and businesses. Here is the answer based on Sterling And Pope Marketing team experience.


You should spread the call to actions across your website pages. Although your website’s homepage is often perceived as a neutral space by visitors, you can have a call to action on this page to generate more leads. Besides, it is your website’s most frequently visited page, presenting massive opportunities to drive traffic to your specific campaign.

However, you must not insert call to actions on your landing pages. People on a landing page should find out more about your specific offer and covert. Sterling and Pope recommend removing all elements that cause distractions on your landing page.

For instance, you must remove top and side navigation, information on resources, and call to action. The purpose is to prevent your visitors from getting confused or distracted. That way, they can complete the form.

Moreover, your product, service, about us, and contact us page must include a call to action. Otherwise, visitors will decide on their own what steps to take next. Therefore, it is wise to help your visitors decide what to do next. All pages on your website should allow visitors to comprehend what they need to do next. Therefore, we recommend placing at least one call to action on each page.

Within Content

Sterling and Pope’s research and data analysis show that calls to actions are not only limited to landing pages. A visitor already converted into a lead by registering for your webinar or downloading your infographic or eBook does not mean you avoid nurturing them with related content. Therefore, it is wise to add a call to action within the content, the body of your eBooks, infographics, articles, blog posts, and webinars.

How to Make Effective Call to Actions?

How to get more leads from your website? How to make effective CTAs? According to Sterling And Pope Marketing, changes in buttons can improve conversions by over 30%. Our marketing experts can make your website stand out by creating more successful CTAs.

Although a button is a simple strategy, Sterling And Pope Marketing experts consider a wide range of variables and factors to implement compelling call to actions. For instance, these factors are the button size, color, text, etc. Here are a few tips to make your call to actions more effective for lead generation.

  • Make it clear and minimalistic
  • Let the CTA button stand out
  • Make it actionable
  • Keep the CTA button above the fold
  • Create the right context
  • Ensure it is relevant to the page
  • Make changes based on different sales stages
  • Align it with your landing page
  • Optimize your pages and keep testing

Sterling and Pope is a professional marketing company with experienced digital marketers who use advanced and unique strategies to generate leads from your business website. How to get more leads from your website. Contact us today for quality and effective CTAs creation and implementation.