Finding The Right PPC Agency For Your Dallas

Finding The Right PPC Agency For Your Dallas, TX Business

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The world is changing, and Texas businesses need to keep up. Everything is online now, and it is the main tool that customers use when researching a business. Your Dallas, TX business needs to keep up, which is why it is important to learn about PPC Marketing, and why it may be right for your business.

How Does PPC Marketing Work?

PPC is an acronym for Pay-Per-Click, a type of internet marketing that allows advertisers to pay a fee each time they get a click on their ad. This process can get more visits or “traffic” to your website. One of the most popular forms of PPC is search engine advertising, which allows companies to pay for their result to be at the top of a search engine page as a sponsored link. Most people only click the top 2-3 links on a search engine page such as Google, making sponsored links valuable advertising. A PPC Agency can help you navigate the world of internet marketing and find the methods that work best for your company. Read on to learn more about what to look for in a PPC agency

Seven Things To Look For in a PPC Agency

Proof of Data-Driven Results

What makes PPC such a great marketing tool is its ability to directly tie revenue to ad spend. This data and analytics are how PPC agencies measure and predict success. A PPC Agency should be able to give you examples of how they have helped other businesses using hard data and analytics. Ask about past results, and what you can expect for your company.

Local Search Capability

The majority of smartphone users search locally for a business to patronize, using “near me” searches to look for everything from restaurants to home supplies. If you want to increase in-store visits, your business cannot afford to ignore local search capability. When shopping for a PPC agency, ask about local search capability, or better yet choose a local Dallas, TX business that understands the market– such as Sterling & Pope.

Mobile Device Technology

Almost all modern marketing is done digitally, with mobile devices accounting for over half of traffic on search ads. When looking for a PPC agency it is important to find one with experience in mobile device technology to ensure that your ads can be read on any device with ease. Mobile optimization is difficult and ever changing, so when choosing a PPC agency be sure to ask about how they would tackle Mobile Device Technology for your business and ask how they handled on-the-go marketing programs for other clients they may have worked with.

Relevant Experience

No two businesses are the same, and therefore no two PPC marketing plans should be the same. Some PPC agencies do cookie-cutter programs and those should be avoided– you need a marketing strategy unique to your business and client base. A good PPC marketing agency should have experience relevant to your business, and ideally first-party data from previous campaigns. Your business needs a PPC agency that has experience with the wants and needs of your client base.

Keyword Research

Keywords help with search engine results, and targeting the correct keywords can get your link to the top of the search engine page. That is why it is so important to find a PPC agency that has knowledge of keywords to both increase revenue, but also brand awareness. If people keep getting the same results when searching, they may be more likely to click on them. Be sure to ask any potential PPC agencies about their keyword research and processes.

Knowledge of Correct PPC channels

There are different PPC channels, and each draws a different audience and performs a different function. Whether your business is interested in shopping PPC channels, social media PPC channels or multi-channel campaigns, it is important to find a PPC agency that understands your business goals and what channels they need to use to reach them. Make sure to understand your PPC goals before searching, and discuss them with any potential PPC agencies.

Overall Digital Marketing Knowledge

Trust your instincts, and be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true. Effective digital marketing takes months to take effect, and any companies that promise otherwise should be treated with caution. Do your research on potential PPC agencies, read reviews and check to see if they seem real or not. The best thing you can do is go with a trusted, local brand like Sterling & Pope Digital Marketing Agency. With local search capability and proven results, Sterling and Pope is a brand you can trust. Visit the website today and see what digital marketing can do for your company